Hill Family Home Page
Date of last edit = 03/12/2013
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The Hill Homepage is coming to you from the metroplex surrounding Houston, Texas.
This homepage consists of several family photos taken during some of
our vacations over the past few years. This homepage was built using a text editor
and a few sample go-byes from others who happened to use an early version of
Frontpage. Since I don't have Frontpage, and I'm too cheap to buy it....
I use notepad or wordpad and a reference book on HTML commands, which
my brother sent me for my birthday in summer of 2001. For over 10 years the
menu system for this website utilized FRAMESETS in HTML4, which unfortunately were omitted
from HTML5 and therefore do not function under most browsers such as Firefox, Safari,
Opera, Chrome, and later versions of Internet Explorer. During spring break 2013
there was finally some free time to revise the menu system of this website to be
compliant with HTML5.
The purpose of this homepage (as I see it) is to provide a means for our
relatives and friends to see what were up to, and to keep in touch. For the
rest of you.... please feel free to laugh at my webpage design and/or view
my source code for ideas of how NOT to build a webpage. If you hover the mouse
arrow over any of the above menu selections, you should see a vertical dropdown
menu of selections for various webpages. If you don't see that, then it is likely
due to not having active content (javascript) enabled.
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